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Social Media

People wanted this now its happening and people are going crazy over this. The reason for the come back of Freddy Vs Jason 2 movie was the people was over coming making fan made films doing what they think it should be. The making  of this will not be the last as for they want to make the Freddy Vs Jason movie a trilogy. which should end in 2014 or 2015 dates has not been confirmed yet. People questions was like who won and this and that. Be trueful nobody won it was supposed to end like it did so people could demand more of it which is happening right now. Thanks to twitter that was the main REASON they decided to come back with an awesome bad ass movie speaking to Blaine one of the new cast members of the movie he says just reading the script made him jolt with excitement. He also said that "this will be the number one talked about movie in america of 2012 all the way till we die"  

Social Media 

Social Media Is The Reason For  Freddy Vs Jason 2 


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